Exercise is great for all kids but the martial arts offer something unique and different than just another exercise class. They’re quite different to other team sports and offer some exciting differences.

Some kids have a challenge finding a sport or physical activity that suits them or fitting into a team. Not every child has the physical and social skills to take part in a team. They might be limited by ability, coordination, following rules or they might be a kid who gets left out or bullied.

Martial arts can be a great option or supplement to other activities. What are the key reasons why martial arts are great for kids?

Goju karate is a traditional martial arts style taught at IGK Headquarters Victoria in Canterbury, Melbourne.

Physical Conditioning

We all know the martial arts were originally meant for self-defense and that’s still a great reason to practice them. Today many people train simply to build physical and mental strength. Whether it’s karate or another style, they all use repetitive motions connecting mind and body using the body in a different way to sitting all day at school.

Self-Control and Attention

Kids must stay focused and concentrate to train. This is an art of all of its own and the more they practice the longer they learn to focus. What a great crossover for other areas of their life. They learn to reset and regain their focus when it wanes. They learn in small steps and chunks slowly building on sequences.

When an instructor has a good method of communicating with a child, is firm but friendly, and most importantly is very consistent, then the child can really get a lot of out of their martial arts training and they can really shine.

IGK Headquarters Victoria holds kids karate classes for all ages

Setting Attainable Goals

Martial arts focus on engaging the mind as well as the body. An experienced instructor can assess your child’s strengths and how they learn. Kids learn to set clear goals based around the belt system of grading and completing skills. Every child can learn to set achievable goals, benefiting from the self-esteem and confidence that comes with reaching them.

Some might need to improve their attention span, their balance, flexibility or ability to combine sequences. The martial arts offer a clear ability to set goals, achieve them and measure their improvement.

Clear Expectations of Behaviour

Martial arts emphasise respect, self-control, focus and individual achievement. Traditional karate training focuses on character development teaching children they can do whatever they set out to do and giving them the self-belief in their abilities. They learn what is expected of them and there are clear rules of behaviour and etiquette in the dojo.

Respect is a core value and as a group it is expected to be given and received by the instructor and students to everyone present. Positive and supportive behaviour is encouraged by all. Everyone supports each other.

John Ross Shihan loves teaching kids goju karate with all its benefits

Expending Energy

Childhood obesity rates are climbing with more and more children spending a lot of time in front of the television, playing video games and using a computer. Martial arts can help improve cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, balance, strength and overall energy levels.

Even active children playing other sports need to expend energy. There was a time after school when we were out playing and didn’t come in until it was dark or dinner was served. The digital era has changed all of that.

Martial arts are a safe, wholesome, useful activity for their child to occupy some of their free time and importantly do with other children. A great dojo can become a second home for many children where they know they can safely work out and feel good about things.

Leadership Skills

We often talk about developing life skills like discipline, self control, patience, confidence, courage and leadership skills. Building resilience is one of the hardest things we all want to give our kids but they somehow have to learn it for themselves.

Every child has the potential to become a leader. In the dojo we teach them to help each other and take responsibility to help and lead others. Building leadership is a great way to build all the character-building essences of discipline, respect, focus and resilience. When you help others you help yourself.

NAS Competitors at IGK Headquarters Victoria

Better Communication

We don’t think we’re alone in worrying about how kids today are not communicating well in an age when they’re permanently connected by phone and internet. There is something missing. Kids are more engrossed in their screens than chatting and laughing with other kids and adults.

The dojo is a place where it’s encouraged to put up your hand, offer opinion, ask questions, explain something to the group and learn to communicate. We all learned to come out of our shells once and the dojo is a safe place children can have their say, learn to take turns and play by the rules. They learn to respect and tolerate each other in the dojo.

Choosing a Dojo

Ultimately the relationship between student and teacher drives the success and enjoyment of the experience. The experience and style of teaching creates the room for personal growth and for motivating kids to train and improve themselves. Small groups often work better in giving kids the necessary attention and instruction.

The goal is to find a place where you and your child feel comfortable. You want a place they’re excited to go to and want to come back every week, where they can build a true love for the art. 

At IGK Headquarters Victoria this is how we started with Tino Ceberano Hanshi and 35 years on we’re still loving the art and proud to carry on the tradition. We’re passionate about helping kids grow and benefit. We’d love to share our experience with you. Come along and watch, have a chat and get into Goju.

Tino Ceberano Hanshi founded IGK in 1989. We continue to uphold his standard and tradition.