There are many techniques in the way we train our mind and body. One of the training techniques traditionally passed down through the ranks from our karate masters is called waterfall training.
In the old days back on the mainland of Japan the grand masters used to climb the mountains to the massive waterfalls and meditate before beginning training.
Once the meditation was complete they commenced their training under the waterfall which would consist mainly of two Kata called Tensho and Sanchin. These kata are done slow and strong – it is truly an exercise that you only get out of what you put into it.
Gogen Yamaguchi Hanshi produced and distributed a short film on training in Takigyo or waterfall training. In the winter of 1965, the outdoor excursion was held on the slopes of Mt. Nagano Ontake.
Each day started off with Yamaguchi Hanshi and his followers pouring ice water over themselves and this was filmed during one of his mountainside excursions in the dead of winter heading a group of followers, without shoes and clad only in a thin Gi. They practice the Kata Sanchin and Kata Tensho, practicing Ibuki breathing.

Tino Ceberano Hanshi often took his karate students to the northern forest areas of Melbourne where the Mason Falls at Kinglake were a favourite training area for winter. The area is pristine and remains an outstanding area to visit and test one’s body to the elements.
I.G.K. Headquarters Victoria will be holding such an event in July 2019 with the location and date to be announced.

Masons Falls is located within the stunning Kinglake National Park, the largest national park close to Melbourne. It has traditionally been a site for Tino Ceberano Hanshi to take his students for many years for waterfall training.
Travel to Mason Falls Picnic Ground . Look up Masons Falls Road, Kinglake West 3757 in Google Maps to locate. There are two approaches depending where your’re coming about equal in travel time.
- Make your way north along Plenty Rd to Whittlesea, then along Yea Road for approx 13km to Kinglake West. Turn right along the Whittlesea-Kinglake Road and follow it for 4km or so. Then turn right (south) on National Park Road (should be signposted to Masons Falls) and drive roughly 4km to the park entrance. Turn right and follow the road to Masons Falls Picnic area.
- Head north from Doncaster to Eltham-Research-Kangaroo Ground-St. Andrews to Kinglake on C746 then continue north-west on C724 then turn left on National Park Road.
Heading to the Falls, there are several somewhat-steep hills. However, the path is wide, well-maintained and includes a handrail, ensuring that the destination is easily accessible.