Return to Training Jan 2021

IGK Victoria Karate Class Timetable January 2021 Nth Balwyn

IGK Victoria returns to training on Mon 18th Jan. A word of warning – start warming up this week! Get to the park or your backyard and do some aerobic workouts and stretching. We lost too much time last year so we’ll be right back into it this January.

Adult classes go back to 1.5 hours from 7.30pm – 9.00pm Mon-Thurs nights. On Sat mornings, we’ve combined two junior classes so the times are a bit different to before. See the new schedule below.

Coming soon in February, we’re starting Friday morning fitness/cardio classes for a great start to your day. We’re encouraging parents of students who need fitness training to join. Please express your interest and ask about class times and fees.

Jim Pantopolis Senpai is opening a new dojo at IGK Hawthorn, Ground floor, Hawthorn Bowling Club, 1 Wood St Hawthorn in January 2021. We wish him luck and ask all members to think about friends in the Hawthorn, Richmond, Kew and Camberwell areas that might want to take up karate training.

Call Lambros Sensei on 0418 992 298 if you have any questions about sessions. You should be resuming with the same classes you trained in late in 2020. We look forward to a great year, always practicing safe hygiene in and out of the dojo.

IGK Victoria Karate Class Timetable January 2021 Nth Balwyn
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