IGK Victoria Anglesea Spring Camp 2022

Victorian Surf Coast IGK Victoria Spring Camp Anglesea Sept 2022

Due to the last two years of COVID lockdowns, we missed holding our annual Spring Camp. We’re back this year and looking forward to a weekend on the glorious Surf Coast of Anglesea.

In previous years the camp was well attended with IGK Tasmania members visiting for the weekend. Perfect weather, plentiful food, strong training with lots of new information always make for a great event. We love to train with IGK Tasmania, renew old friendships and make new ones.

We typically enjoy plenty of training sessions starting after dinner on Friday night with an early Sunday morning beach training at nearby Point Roadnight before a hot shower and a hearty breakfast, then more training. Everyone who attends a camp says they learn so much from the compressed training.

Students of all eligible ages should make the attempt to join a karate camp. Accommodation and food are supplied. We can even arrange a lift there and back with other club members. Talk to your instructors about the Spring Camp and try to attend from Friday 9th Sept to Sunday 11th Sept 2022.

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