Being active is more important than ever

As we head toward our third week of COVID-19 lockdown in August 2021, IGK Victoria students are doing it hard. Today marks an unpleasant milestone for Melburnians — it’s the 200th day lived under lockdown restrictions. The dojo has been closed and you’re missing your regular karate training.

You aren’t alone if exercise has dropped off your priority list. We know that doing some form of exercise is an easy and free way to boost both your mental and physical health. It’s essential you try to keep up your training in one form or other. There are plenty of activities to try while we can’t get to the dojo.

If you’re continuing to work or study from home, or you’re not currently working, you won’t be getting the incidental exercise you’d normally get commuting to and from an office or uni. A workout or stretch in your lounge room or backyard could really help right now!

IGK Victoria North Balwyn karate dojo

Physical activity helps our body and mind in many ways, but here are a few of the key ones:

  • Exercise releases chemicals in your brain, like serotonin and endorphins, which are great for your mood
  • It can also lead to better sleep and give you more energy
  • Physical movements can help ease tightness in your shoulders and neck, which often come with stress and anxiety
  • It also makes you feel like you achieved something
  • Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of serious health issues, like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke
  • And lastly, but not least given the current situation, regular physical activity is great for your immune system.

Even 10 minutes of movement a day can help your body and mind feel better. Encourage your loved ones, who you’re no doubt spending a lot of time with right now, to take a moment to move their bodies too.

We’ll be emailing you a regular post with a fitness or karate challenge to keep connected with you and try to keep you engaged in your training. The days are getting lighter and warmer, so use your time effectively and get out in the fresh air. We’re blessed with lots of walking trails and parks. So many ways to improvise and stay active. Try some online fitness classes. Get Active Victoria and Victoria Together have many free resources.

Exercise has many benefits, not only for physical health but also for mental wellbeing. Exercise releases chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that help improve your mood. For more tips on how exercise can support mental health, visit:

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