Tino Ceberano Hanshi OAM

Tino Ceberano Hanshi AOM has taught generations of karate students in Australia for 53 years

It would be a rare event for two members of any family to be given such a high level of recognition for eminent service to the community. It is with much pride that I.G.K. Headquarters Victoria announces that is exactly what has happened when Tino Ceberano Hanshi OAM was awarded Medal of the Order of Australia for his contributions to karate in the Queens Birthday Honours on Mon 10th June 2019.

This follows his daughter Kate Ceberano’s award of the AM in 2016. A historical and photographic synopsis at www.tinoceberano-igk.com.au/medal-of-the-order-of-australia

ABC Brisbane Radio and the Brisbane Courier Mail have interviewed Tino Hanshi to ask him about his life work and endeavours. The interviews will be available right here very soon.

Tino Ceberano Hanshi is currently writing his life story and hopes to release the book by the end of this year. It is a compilation of childhood memories growing up on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, his teenage years training karate in Honolulu and his arrival in Australia when he grew his unique brand of karate into a local brand and household name. He tells his tales of travels to Japan and beyond where he became an international referee and an ambassador for the art of Goju karate-do.

More information will be published on this website about the book when it is released and how to obtain a copy. Tino Ceberano Hanshi continues to actively teach and travel in his endeavour to share what he has learned with others.

He will celebrate his 78th birthday later this year and says that there is so much more to come with an awakening dawn in his martial arts career. This award comes after recently being presented with a special award of distinction by Karate Victoria. It is certainly apt recognition of a man who has devoted himself to the arts for so long inspiring so many.

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